Tropical forests are vital to the functioning of Earth, providing essential services to society by storing half of all terrestrial biomass and carbon, absorbing a quarter of human-caused carbon emissions, and helping to stabilize climate and water cycles. Global changes, including deforestation, forest degradation, and climatic and atmospheric changes, are greatly affecting tropical forests. How these changes will impact tropical forests in the future remains highly uncertain.
The Alliance for Tropical Forest Science is a global alliance of tropical forest research networks designed to accelerate the research and training that are needed to improve understanding of how tropical forests function and to predict how they will respond to and influence future global changes. ATFS is a National Science Foundation AccelNet Network of Networks. It connects 11 interdisciplinary research networks (see below) across the world to foster collaboration, strengthen capacity, and accelerate research in tropical forests. |
The Smithsonian Forest Global Earth Observatory is a global network of forest research sites and scientists dedicated to the study of tropical and temperate forest function and diversity. The multi-institutional network comprises 73 forest research sites across the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. ForestGEO monitors the growth and survival of approximately 6 million trees and nearly 13,000 species that occur in the forest research sites.
Read more about ForestGEO.
The Smithsonian Forest Global Earth Observatory is a global network of forest research sites and scientists dedicated to the study of tropical and temperate forest function and diversity. The multi-institutional network comprises 73 forest research sites across the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. ForestGEO monitors the growth and survival of approximately 6 million trees and nearly 13,000 species that occur in the forest research sites.
Read more about ForestGEO.
Latin American Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest Floristic Network (DRYFLOR) is a network of researchers and conservationists aiming to improve the understanding of the flora and to promote the conservation of the endangered seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) of Latin America.
Read more about DryFlor.
Latin American Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest Floristic Network (DRYFLOR) is a network of researchers and conservationists aiming to improve the understanding of the flora and to promote the conservation of the endangered seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) of Latin America.
Read more about DryFlor.
The Global Ecosystem Monitoring network (GEM) is an international effort to measure and understand forest ecosystem functions and traits, and how these will respond to climate change.
Read more about GEM.
The Global Ecosystem Monitoring network (GEM) is an international effort to measure and understand forest ecosystem functions and traits, and how these will respond to climate change.
Read more about GEM.
TmFO is a pan-tropical network aiming at understanding the long term effects of logging on tropical forest ecosystems. TmFO encompasses more than 600 permanent forest plots spread across three continents (Latin America, Africa and South East Asia).
Read more about TmFO.
TmFO is a pan-tropical network aiming at understanding the long term effects of logging on tropical forest ecosystems. TmFO encompasses more than 600 permanent forest plots spread across three continents (Latin America, Africa and South East Asia).
Read more about TmFO.
The Amazon Forest Inventory Network is an international collaboration to understand the dynamics of Amazon ecosystems. RAINFOR works with partners across the nations of Amazonia, taking account of the modulating role of environmental variables like soil nutrition, and the need to help develop a new generation of Amazon ecologists.
Read more about RAINFOR.
The Amazon Forest Inventory Network is an international collaboration to understand the dynamics of Amazon ecosystems. RAINFOR works with partners across the nations of Amazonia, taking account of the modulating role of environmental variables like soil nutrition, and the need to help develop a new generation of Amazon ecologists.
Read more about RAINFOR.
The Neotropical Tree Communities database (TreeCo) is a project that aims to compile, store and synthesize the existing knowledge on the structure and diversity of neotropical tree communities (both forests and shrublands). The overarching goal of TreeCo is to support studies on the patterns and processes shaping neotropical communities and how these communities respond to human-induced impacts and global change.
Read more about TreeCo.
The Neotropical Tree Communities database (TreeCo) is a project that aims to compile, store and synthesize the existing knowledge on the structure and diversity of neotropical tree communities (both forests and shrublands). The overarching goal of TreeCo is to support studies on the patterns and processes shaping neotropical communities and how these communities respond to human-induced impacts and global change.
Read more about TreeCo.
The African Tropical Rainforest Observation Network brings together researchers who maintain permanent sample plots in African tropical forests. By compiling and comparing these studies on a regional scale new information becomes available, that may provide vital insights into the mechanisms underlying the current responses of tropical ecosystems to climate and the possible future of African forests under climate and other environmental changes scenarios.
Read more about AfriTRON.
The African Tropical Rainforest Observation Network brings together researchers who maintain permanent sample plots in African tropical forests. By compiling and comparing these studies on a regional scale new information becomes available, that may provide vital insights into the mechanisms underlying the current responses of tropical ecosystems to climate and the possible future of African forests under climate and other environmental changes scenarios.
Read more about AfriTRON.
The Socio-Ecological Observatory for Southern African Woodlands comprises a network of scientists and also a network of woodland survey plots in southern Africa. The long-term goal of SEOSAW is to understand the response of southern African woodlands to global change. Members of SEOSAW conduct diverse research which is unified by a shared interest in the ecology woodlands and savannas.
Read more about SEOSAW.
The Socio-Ecological Observatory for Southern African Woodlands comprises a network of scientists and also a network of woodland survey plots in southern Africa. The long-term goal of SEOSAW is to understand the response of southern African woodlands to global change. Members of SEOSAW conduct diverse research which is unified by a shared interest in the ecology woodlands and savannas.
Read more about SEOSAW.
Secondary Forests Research Network is a collaborative research network focusing on understanding the ecology, dynamics, and biodiversity of tropical secondary forests and the ecosystem services they provide in human-modified tropical landscapes.
Read more about 2ndFOR.
Secondary Forests Research Network is a collaborative research network focusing on understanding the ecology, dynamics, and biodiversity of tropical secondary forests and the ecosystem services they provide in human-modified tropical landscapes.
Read more about 2ndFOR.
The Amazon Tree Diversity Network is an electronic network of 200 botanists, ecologists and taxonomists that share data and information on tree diversity in the pan-Amazon. ATDN aims to gain a better understanding of the processes that drive patterns of alfa- and beta-diversity in the region and, through this knowledge, contribute to better conservation strategies for the region.
Read more about ATDN.
The Amazon Tree Diversity Network is an electronic network of 200 botanists, ecologists and taxonomists that share data and information on tree diversity in the pan-Amazon. ATDN aims to gain a better understanding of the processes that drive patterns of alfa- and beta-diversity in the region and, through this knowledge, contribute to better conservation strategies for the region.
Read more about ATDN.
The Andean Forest Network brings together scientists and decision makers interested in research, management and conservation of Andean forests. The general objective of the Network is to generate knowledge about the ecology of the Andean forests through the collaborative work of its members, the exchange, systematization and synthesis of information, the strengthening of capacities for research, and the articulation of decision-making processes. decision-making in the region.
Read more about RBA.
The Andean Forest Network brings together scientists and decision makers interested in research, management and conservation of Andean forests. The general objective of the Network is to generate knowledge about the ecology of the Andean forests through the collaborative work of its members, the exchange, systematization and synthesis of information, the strengthening of capacities for research, and the articulation of decision-making processes. decision-making in the region.
Read more about RBA.